
Showing posts from September, 2020

Different Types Of Agricultures In Sundarbans

  If you opt for the Sundarban tour package  and take a trip there, you will notice various types of agricultural professions that people are undertaking there. There are several types of communities living in there and they have been practicing forest-based livelihoods in Sundarbans. Given below are some of the professions that they practice at Sundarbans: a.     Fisherfolk Fishing in the creek and rivers is practiced by the communities settled on the fringe of the protected forest area and communities living along the coastline go into the sea for fishing. Fishermen referred to as ‘ jele’  locally, are known to use both traditional methods and motorized boats for fishing.  b.     Woodcutters and firewood collectors A team of 6–10 woodcutters are usually led by a ‘ boulay’  into the forest. A ‘boulay’ is a man with traditional expertise, from the community also referred to as bhawalis. The community has the expertise of keeping the team out of danger in the forest. c.     Ho